About Sweep the Sheds

Our mission at Sweep the Sheds Weightlifting and Performance is to provide a training environment where athletes can build relationships, achieve results, and celebrate their enthusiasm for training so that we are free to courageously pursue the best version of ourselves.

The name “Sweep the Sheds” was inspired by one of the world’s most successful sports programs, the All Blacks, New Zealand’s rugby team. This motto means that no one is too big to do the little things. After their games, you could find even the best players and higher ups in the organization cleaning up the locker room. Everyone Sweeps the Sheds. Taking pride in details and doing one’s part within a larger group are hallmarks of high performing athletes and characteristics that we strive for at STS.

The mindset behind sweeping the sheds creates a culture where our members all chip in towards a TEAM dynamic. That sense of TEAM is a force multiplier for improving athletic performance, boosting competition totals, and enhancing one’s enjoyment of the training process.

Why train at STS?

Relationships - We prioritize people first.

Results - We train to achieve.

Enthusiasm - We treat training as a privilege.

Our Non Negotiables

  1. Leave the gym cleaner than you found it

  2. High five, smile, or introduce yourself to someone in the gym


“I had the privilege of working with Jon while he was a collegiate athlete, coach, and strength and conditioning coach. His passion for teaching and his athletes' overall health and well-being is immediately evident. Coach Sax first sets the example through his professionalism, hard work, and discipline and then ensures that his clients grow as athletes and people. His process is result-driven while never neglecting the importance of developing relationships. His enthusiasm is infectious, and even on days when you feel everything is stacked against you, Coach Sax will make sure you leave the platforms reinvigorated, stronger, and more confident.” - Jake MacDonald USMC (Ret.), Purple Heart Recipient, Lead instructor for The Program.

"Working with Jon Sax at STS Performance has been transformational for my son. Jon's level of expertise in strength and conditioning not only helped my son reach his goals but exceeded them. His tailored approach, attention to detail, communication style and constant motivation has pushed my son to achieve greater strength, power, improved speed and agility. It has made him a better athlete. Jon's dedication to understanding my son's goals, crafting personalized plans, and providing unwavering support has been unparalleled. He doesn't just train clients; he builds relationships based on trust, motivation, and genuine care. I highly recommend Jon and STS Performance to anyone serious about improving their athletic performance." - Dave J.

“Coach Sax brought the excitement of training back into my life. As a former college athlete, I thought my years of peak performance were behind me. I found myself going to the gym and mindlessly going through the motions, simply checking the box of “breaking a sweat” with no structure, purpose, or goals to my program. Coach Sax changed all of this. His passion, commitment, and knowledge in the world of Weightlifting is simply best-in-class.

Sax brings a strong combination of technical and emotional expertise to his practice. Technically, Sax understands the finer details of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk and has taken a beginner (at best) to an individual who feels proficient with the barbell. Emotionally, he is receptive to feedback, thoughtful in his approach and passionate with his work.

Coach Sax has taught me that the benefits of Weightlifting go well beyond just strength – sessions with Sax have increased my confidence, focus, and body function (just to name a few!).

Sweep the Sheds and Coach Sax are offering a unique platform in the world of Weightlifting that I would highly recommend.” - Cory S.

“Coach Sax’s commitment to developing the whole athlete has shown results… Aside from helping our son to firm up his performance goals and ways to measure progress, Jon has provided expert in season training to improve our son’s flexibility, strength, quickness and maintain a positive mindset.  Being a student athlete is no easy task.  Coach Sax is an integral part of helping our son to be more confident on and off the field.” - Tom W.

“I cannot say enough great things about Coach Sax and the experience we have had. He does a great job of explaining each exercise not only how to do it, but he takes it a step further explaining why and how this will help to improve my son’s lacrosse game on the field. I believe this helps to motivate my son, while helping to keep things fresh and interesting. As a Mom I also love to see the life skills that Coach Sax is teaching my son that not only help to make my son a better athlete but he is helping him grow grow into a nice respectful young man with great life skills.  I wish that every kid could be so lucky to have a coach and role model like Coach Sax in their life.” - Tiff J.

“I have known Coach Sax for over a decade and have had the unique pleasure of having coached him as an athlete, worked alongside him on staff, and the displeasure of having to compete against him. Coach Sax puts more time and energy into his athletes' advancement than anyone else I know. While he has excelled working with high level athletes, I’ve had hour long discussions with him about no-name youth athletes that coach wants to improve. Coach Sax is not only well versed in weightlifting and sports training, but being a national championship athlete, he understands what it takes to win and how to build that culture in his athletes. If I lived closer, I would train with him at Sweep the Sheds.” - Dan Kopsco (Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Tufts University)

“My middle school son has been working with Jon Sax as a personal coach for more than six months. Getting the most out of middle school athlete can be a challenge. Young, inexperienced athletes who are not yet fully physically developed, may be easily distracted, or even intimidated by working beyond what they think their limits are. Understanding not only how to push an aspiring athlete physically but how to communicate effectively comes naturally to Coach Jon. Coach Jon's message and demeanor resonate well with the athlete, while the plan and professionalism won me over.” - Bart M.